Outreach Organizations
Coffee and Donuts • Church Office, 907-276-3145
Offered in the Parish Hall after 9:30 AM Masses, except the third week of the month. Volunteers welcome.
Homebound Ministry • Paul Lariviere, 907-276-3455
This ministry is the parish’s outreach program for those who cannot leave their homes. Your commitment can be for a short time, e.g., visiting those recovering from a one-time illness or surgery, or long-term, e.g., those with chronic health conditions. We welcome people who can visit the elderly and the lonely, and, at times, do errands for them. We also welcome Extraordinary Ministers who can bring Holy Communion to the homebound. They should be aware and sensitive to issues of the particular age group and/or health conditions of the individuals they will visit. Individuals who are interested in this ministry must be registered adult members of the parish and provide two references, one of which must be from a Priest from the parish.
The Pioneer Home Mass is a division of Homebound Ministry. Once a week volunteers help residents come to Mass, support them during Mass, and help them return to their rooms. The time commitment is about two hours a week.
Prison Ministry • Deacon Dave Van Tuyl, 907-646-3002
This ministry conducts prayer services at the prisons. Men go to the Anchorage Jail and Women go to Hiland Mountain Correctional Center. Time commitment varies. Mandatory training through the State of Alaska Department of Corrections is required. Individuals who are interested in this ministry must be registered adult members of the parish. When applying through the State, a letter of recommendation from the pastor must accompany the application. Applicants must also pass a background criminal check by the State of Alaska.
Parish Organizations
Parish Nurses • Elizabeth Blair, 907-276-3455
Parish Nurses are registered nurses who recognize that spiritual care is central to the healing process. Focus is on counseling, referral advocacy, screening, and education within the faith community of Holy Family Cathedral. It is preferred but not required that interested nurses take the Fundamentals of Faith Community Nursing course. Ministry participation can accommodate your volunteer schedule. Let us know your interest.
Earth Angels • Stephanie Van Tuyl, (907) 276-3455
Earth Angels maintain the gardens and grounds around Holy Family during the growing season and set up the outside Christmas decorations and lights in December. We are involved in a variety of tasks from planting beds and baskets, watering, weeding, weekly trash pick up, and general yard maintenance. An annual preseason planting meeting is held each year in the spring. Anyone who enjoys gardening or working outdoors with a cheerful, positive, enthusiastic attitude is welcome. No special training or skills are required. Tasks are spread out over the workweek to accommodate volunteer schedules. Let us know our interest and we will find a way for you to help that fits you.