Adoration • Katie Reed, 907-348-7300
“We have ups and downs and sickness and suffering. That is part of the cross. Anyone who imitates Him to the full must share in His passion also. That is why we need prayer/that is why we need the Bread of Life/that is why we have Adoration.” - Saint Teresa of Calcutta
This ministry maintains Adoration of Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament. Watch the bulletin for scheduled dates. Adorers are asked to devote one hour per week before the Blessed Sacrament. Adorers can pray, meditate, read Scripture, or simply sit in the presence of Christ. For more information about Eucharistic Adoration or to schedule an hour with Our Lord, please contact Katie Reed.
Centering Prayer • Kess Frey, 907-338-2894
The main purpose of this ministry is the spiritual enrichment of those who participate in it. Centering Prayer is a simple method for accessing the gift of contemplation – which is not so much something we do as it is something God does in us with our willing consent and cooperation. This is a silent, receptive way of praying based on the principle of the divine indwelling present within us as “temples of the Holy Spirit.”
The heart of Centering Prayer involves consenting to God’s presence and action within us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is a way of deepening our relationship with God – which extends from our regular times of formal prayer into the details of daily life. The regular practice of this prayer initiates a dynamic of inner purification, healing and transformation in the soul where we move from conversation with God into communion with Him beyond words, thoughts, feelings and images.
Holy Family’s Centering Prayer group generally meets twice a month on the first and third Saturdays in the Holy Family Center and at the Listening Post upstairs in the Transit Center at 6th and H Street. For more information about this prayer-group ministry, contact Kess Frey also at [email protected].
El Shaddai Charismatic Prayer Partners • Rowena Carrillo 907-250-0823
This ministry gathers in Christian fellowship to share the Catholic faith by proclaiming God’s goodness, helping those who are burdened and suffering and by preaching the Good News that salvation comes through Jesus Christ. Meetings are held every Saturday at 3 PM in the Dominican Hall. All are welcome.
Llamas del Espiritu • Juan Tabares, 907-440-0308
Spanish praise and worship group meets Tuesday nights.